Benefits of Airnergy+®  ?

1. Boosts energy levels making you feel stronger, fitter and faster.

2. Increases your mental agility, making you more alert.

3. Strengthens your immune system to fight infection and disease.

4. Stimulates your circulation, heart, lung, and brain function.

5. Reduces stress, tiredness and the effects of chronic illness.

6. Nourishes your skin at the cellular level giving you a healthier and young looking complexion as well treating skin conditions such as eczema

7. Aids in the healing of broken limbs and joint pains such as back, shoulder and knee pain

8. Treats asthma and bronchitis. 

Your body only utilises ¼ of the total volume of oxygen breathed in, and the rest is breathed out unused…

More oxygen in every cell results in an enhanced immune system, reducing vulnerability to disease and illness and improving your body's capacity to fight existing health conditions. 

Research shows that just one 20-minute Airnergy session leads to significant changes in your blood, and an increase in the function and efficiency of your heart and lungs. 

About Airnergy+

Airnergy technology uses one of nature’s processes which has existed for millions of years, i.e. photosynthesis in green leaves.

This ensures that oxygen is activated in a way which your body understands

Similar to water, warm or cold, oxygen also has various properties. Warm water dissolves materials such as sugar or salt crystals quickly and in larger quantities because warm water is highly reactive. Cold water only dissolves such materials at a slow rate and in smaller quantities because cold water has low reactivity.

Oxygen also has various properties: the oxygen present in respiratory air is not reactive. In order to make the oxygen utilisable for producing energy in the body, the body must first bring the oxygen into its reactive state – the singlet state. 

However, as the body’s ability to use the oxygen diminishes with increasing age, through stress, illness and environmental toxins the body requires energy in order to improve its performance and therefore its healing and regeneration processes again. Airnergy helps the body to increase its use of oxygen in a natural way.

 What can it do for you?

Airnergy+® can help a wide range of problems including:

 Enhanced recovery from injury,

Arthritis, Joint pains,

Musculo-skeletal disorders e.g. Back, Neck, and Shoulder pain etc,

Poor concentration,



Sleeping disorders,

Chronic fatigue,


Circulation disorders,


Cardiovascular diseases,High levels of cholesterol,


Chronic sinusitis,


Diabetes mellitus,


Acute and chronic pains,

Metabolic disorders of the liver,

Hormonal imbalances,


Skin diseases,

Visual disturbances,

Diseases of "old age" (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's),

Enhance sport performance 

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