Airnergy - Better than a breath of fresh air! I discovered Airnergy whilst going through a very stressful stage of my life, dealing with major health issues within my family both in the UK and in Germany, whilst at the same time trying to survive with my business under difficult economic conditions. On top of all that I had to organise a home move and downsizing of my offices with a restructuring of my company. It is well known that extreme stress can lead to incorrect (too shallow) breathing and that tires the body out even more. So I needed an extra boost of Life Energy from somewhere. Having spent 30 years living and working in Germany I was very experienced with natural medicine and its therapies and had many years positive experience, so my first route was to check with my friend Mr. Google and the Internet to see what was available. Life Energy to me means Oxygen and after reading the Airnergy main website in Germany and also the many positive patient/client reviews on the UK website, I contacted Airnergy UK and was pleased to discover that not only was Airnergy available in the Plymouth area, but also that Tania provided a mobile service, which was ideal for my busy and stressful situation. I had a total of about 20 sessions over a 4 week period and was really impressed with the results. I not only felt reinvigorated and more able to cope and deal with all the stress, but was also sleeping much better with 5 - 6 hours of continual restful sleep at night rather than the 5 - 6 hours of interrupted sleep leaving me feeling more tired in the mornings. I was starting to have minor panic attacks, which only made things worse! The Airnergy sessions helped cure this very quickly and also made me more aware every day of my incorrect breathing techniques and so I quickly was able to correct this and ensure that even without Airnergy, I was breathing deeply, calmly and properly and ensuring that old air was properly expelled from the lungs, to allow fresh air to enter and do its job. I now start each day with 20 - 30 deep conscious breaths at an open window to get me started for the day and during the day have "time out sessions" of just a few minutes to re-focus on my breathing and ensure that I am breathing properly. The positive change has been really So for me Airnergy was a huge help in coping with a very difficult situation in my life and I have been recommending it to friends and relatives ever since - both in the UK and in Germany. They too have been amazed at the positive effects it has had on them. The Airnergy machines are expensive to purchase - even used ones - but there is no need to buy as Tania offers a fantastic opportunity with her Mobile Service and all at a very reasonable price. I will be returning to Germany in late October to be with my German wife and have already found a Natural Health Doctor where we live who also offers Airnergy. My wife has been in hospital in Germany recently and she is very much looking forward to the Airnergy Therapy as she has been amazed at the benefits I have experienced which she has noticed in the strength of my voice, even when just speaking to me per telephone. I urge everyone to give Airnergy a trial of at least 5 - 10 sessions if you are looking for some extra Energy support or have more serious health issue. After all, "what price health?" We spend so much money on unimportant things, so Airnergy Therapy costs are often insignificant in comparison. I am so glad that I found Tania and her mobile Airnergy Service.

Michael Skinley Plymouth October 2013

Facebook - Phillip Wickett — 5 starThis is ideal if your giving up smoking etc helps get out the nicotine toxins etc fully recommend it

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